
Supercomputing lives at Cambridge. Be part of the team.

The Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab (COZL) is an exciting new initiative to evolve and utilise the next generation of advanced technologies that will form the world’s most powerful supercomputers. These state-of-the-art zettascale systems will help us to solve some of the global challenges humanity faces: from the climate change that threatens our existence, through to the devastating effects of disease, food insecurity and a lack of access to healthcare services.

At the Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab, you will be part of the diverse and inclusive team exploiting new technologies and enabling researchers at the forefront of computational science. This is a dynamic and rewarding environment, where exceptional people can engage their imaginations.

The Zettascale Lab is housed within Research Computing Services at the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities. For eight centuries, our ideas and innovations have shaped the world.

Research Computing Services is a well-established and leading UK National Supercomputing Center, providing facilities and services to world-renowned scientists, clinicians and engineers across the UK and Europe. We operate some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, managed by an innovative OpenStack Software Environment via a software-defined/DevOps methodology, evolved for the cloud-native world in which we live.



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